Caelestia Hu Caelestia Hu

A Saint? Me?

It all begins with an idea.

Have you ever thought about being a saint? If you have, did you shrug it off perhaps thinking you are unworthy or fearing what it might mean? In this talk we look to three powerful saints who dare us to be a saint and show us the way.

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Caelestia Hu Caelestia Hu

Through the Storm

It all begins with an idea.

Drawing from the story of Jesus calming the waters, we examine the storms of our lives and where our faith is when we feel shaken. What grounds us? What’s taking root in our lives? How do we weather the challenging seasons? We explore what it means to enter into God’s time and to cultivate a relationship that will shelter us all the days of our lives.

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Caelestia Hu Caelestia Hu

A Gentle Voice

It all begins with an idea.

In our loud and busy world, we’re so used to everything competing for our attention. Notifications that won’t stop going off, videos that play endlessly, pop-ups here and there trying to get us to do something. We’re becoming more distracted, anxious, our mind is scattered, and being alone with our thoughts feels terrifying. And God is in it, right alongside us, inviting us to breath and know peace. In this talk, we learn to slow down and live with more intentional, what recollecting ourselves mean, and how to quiet our hearts to hear His whispers.

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Caelestia Hu Caelestia Hu

Heart Pondering Prayer

It all begins with an idea.

“Mary pondered these things in her heart.” What does this mean? In this talk, we look at what Mary, the archetype of contemplative prayer, can teach us about entering more deeply into prayer for the renewal of our families. 

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Caelestia Hu Caelestia Hu

The Paradox of Prayer

It all begins with an idea.

We mean to, but the day slips away. We settle in, but our minds race. We seek connection yet leave empty. If God desperately wants to connect with us and prayer is our communication with God, why is it so hard to pray? In this talk, we look at common struggles in prayer and how to overcome them based on who we are and how we communicate best.

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