Why Us

See what others have experienced

“You called me out upon the waters, the great unknown”

These are words I find myself humming once in a while - words from the Christian band, Hillsong.  Over the past two years, Susan and I have been working closely together on parish renewal.  It has been in my heart, for many years, to develop a comprehensive vision to bring our parish to a deeper level of engagement in the greatest enterprise humanity could ever take up – that of meeting Jesus, falling in love with him and following him.

But it wasn’t until I invited Susan to create and facilitate a process for what was in my heart that it actually started becoming a reality. And, in working with Susan, I realized that there was a fourth step in the greatest enterprise – that of witnessing to Jesus. From the very beginning this has been an act of faith and Susan is very aware of this; ultimately and fundamentally this is not our effort.  It is simply a response to what God is calling us into.

As a pastor, I have found in Susan somebody with whom I could open my heart.  More than that, with intelligence, respect, attentiveness and professionalism, she has helped me to see new possibilities of being church and doing church. Hence, the line from Hillsong.  Change is not easy, it is often painful.  Conversion is even harder, but the fruits are out of this world – heavenly. 

I am very grateful to Susan for encouraging me to take this journey of parish renewal and I am even more grateful that she has the patience to walk it with me

— Fr. Dominic Barber, Pastor, St. Patrick’s Parish

Parish Renewal

“Susan creates an open and welcoming space for me to share what has been on my heart.”

When I met Susan, I was moved by the peace she radiated.  And since I was searching and struggling, I knew this was the peace I was looking for.  Years later when I discovered she had a Spiritual Direction Ministry, I was thrilled! 

I was already on my journey but I felt stalled—like I had discovered Jesus but I didn’t know what to do next.  Meeting with Sue has transformed my life.  She is filled with the Holy Spirit and her deep love for Jesus makes her a gentle, patient spiritual director. And though she always says, “it is God who is directing us”, I have learned so much from her.  Instead of the stern, judging God I believed in growing up, I have discovered this gentle, loving, compassionate and merciful God. She has taught me how to listen to God's voice and be attentive to Him working in my life. 

I can say without hesitation, our spiritual direction meetings have borne much fruit.  Letting go of control and trusting in God has given me a peace and joy and hope that have changed my life.  I no longer feel lost because I know God is leading me on my journey and spiritual direction has helped me grow closer in my relationship with Him." 

— Directee since 2018

Spiritual Direction

“Susan holds her audience captive waiting on her next words.”

I had the great pleasure of getting to know Susan Goncz, when I asked her to speak at the 2018 Women of the Word Toronto Conference. Susan is one of those remarkable people that when you first meet them, you are drawn to get to know them more.

I was immediately attracted by her honest, gentle way of expressing herself. She spoke very thoughtfully of her life and her life experiences. As a speaker, Susan holds her audience captive waiting on her next words. Susan’s gentle and authentic manner allows for a sacred space between her and her audience.

She speaks very profoundly about the transformative power of God's love and mercy.. Susan guides the listener towards the unlimited and bountiful mercy of God, explaining how it is there for anyone and everyone, one needs only to be open and receive. I highly recommend Susan as a speaker!

— Mary Filangi, Founder, Women of the Word Toronto


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