Rebuilding the Church for Our Times

Communal Discernment as a Model for Change

We help lead communities through spiritual renewal.

Renewal invites communities to do new things and let go of the good for the better. This always involves change and change is never easy.

We help spiritual leaders embrace and navigate this change through Communal Discernment. 

Our Services

Leading Change

To lead change, you need to know where you’re going.

Through a series of life-changing spiritual conversations, we help faith leaders explore what it means to more fully love and lead their communities. This always begins with listening to God and others. Great leaders listen.

We listen through an Ignatian-style communal discernment approach that uses helpful tools like small group spiritual conversions and communal decision-making. This is often a time of conversion for communities as they learn and lean into God’s will for them.

We capture the community’s response by diving deeper into vision and mission statements.

Managing Change

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We help leaders bring their communities through transformation by engaging their teams in a strategic planning journey unlike any other.

Grounded in contemplative prayer and communal discernment, we create a warm and welcoming space to discern better values and priorities for the community through consensus approach.

As the community re-imagines their future, we offer apostolic plans that help align structure, people, and processes around their mission.

Communicating Change

Communities change when people change. We help leaders bring others on the journey through clear, consistent, and high impact communications.

We develop powerful change management messaging, revitalize outdated communication methods, and offer leading edge digital communication solutions to attract and engage the whole community, without leaving anyone behind.

Experiencing Change

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Change happens as people grow. Our Disciples4Life™ faith journey invites people to explore and grow their faith through small communities that evangelize, form, and commission disciples for Christ.

These welcoming communities are at the heart of the revolution of tenderness that animates the Church of Mercy – where people are seen, heard, accepted, and transformed.

Communities love Disciples4Life™. It’s a flexible, easy to implement roadmap that attracts and intentionally grows disciples.


“From the very beginning, our parish renewal has been an act of faith, and Journeys Worth Taking is very aware of this; ultimately and fundamentally this is not our effort. It is simply a response to what God is calling us into.”

Fr. Dominic Barber, Pastor, St. Patrick’s Parish

Have questions? Get in touch.