Our mission is to bring the power of God's merciful love into the world - one person, one community at a time.

 “I invite us to a revolution of tenderness.
And what is tenderness?
It is the love that comes close and becomes real.
It is a movement that starts from our heart
and reaches the eyes, the ears and the hands.”

Pope Francis

Our Values



There is nothing more powerful than a question. It sets us in search of answers that lead to new perspectives and possibilities. Jesus meets us in our curiosity. He asks questions like, "What are you looking for?" and offers a simple invitation to "come and see.” In the example of Jesus, we value questions and understand faith as a journey that leads us deeper into meaning and purpose.



Our questions find a home in open and honest dialogue. It’s at the heart of accompanying another. More than conversation, dialogue opens us to encounter the deep mystery of who we are and in allows us to explore sacred spaces where we are seen and heard. Jesus is the incarnation of dialogue. We value dialogue because in Jesus, we encounter the God who speaks and draws us near.



Dialogue creates authentic relationships. The journey of faith takes place in relationships with Christ and others. We value the good news that a personal relationship with God is possible. When we accompany others, we expect to find God in all
things - already active and labouring in our joys and struggles, in our prayer and in the people, places, and events of our daily lives.

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Relationships are something to celebrate. We work out of the abundance of God, who always meets us in our need and whose generosity cannot be outdone. We pause to celebrate the beauty and silver linings in our day. Like Jesus, we are grateful and celebrate every relationship that comes into our lives – even the difficult ones. Jesus valued celebration, and so do we!

Our Logo

What is the Journey Worth Taking? It is the Journey of faith, the journey from head to heart. 

Our Logo

As we move from head to heart, we discover the mystery of who we are, where we come from, and where we are going. It is a Journey Worth Taking.

Get started with us, today.